• Philip hobbs

    lead Pastor

    As Senior Pastor, I am dedicated to making sure Abundant Harvest remains a place where people can come together in a non-judgmental and loving environment to connect with friends, worship God, and learn from His Word.

    I am just as committed to making sure all of our ministry teams are working effectively to give every part of the family unit nourishment from God’s Word on a level they can digest.


  • jennifer hobbs

    worship leader

    I profess Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior, am filled with Holy Spirit and express my Sanctification, on an ongoing basis through my Christian walk. My first ministry is to be a wife to my husband Pastor Philip W. Hobbs and a mother to all our beautiful children. I serve in full time ministry along with my husband and children at our local church Abundant Harvest Ministries and our school Crescent City Christian Academy. I was saved at the young age of 9 and have loved and served the Lord ever since. God has brought me through many trials in my life and him I give the glory. God has given my husband and I a burden for our local community and we believe that he will guide us as we work for his kingdom by spreading the gospel that will ultimately win souls!


  • Thomas & Lindsey McInerney

    Associate Pastors

    Together we have decided to stand on the verse Joshua 24:15 "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." We met in ministry school back in 2012 and have been in ministry together since. We served as youth pastors for 10 years and have recently stepped forward into a new calling as Associate Pastors. Our heart and passion is to make sure everyone knows they were created on purpose with a purpose! We are interim leaders of The C2 (college and career) ministry for juniors in high school to the age 25, as well as The Element ministry for young adults ages 25+. If you would like to contact us, please feel free to at socialinfluence@myahm.org.



    I am a born-again Christian working my salvation out with fear and trembling. I was saved at a young age, baptized with the Holy Ghost at the age of 13 and was called into full-time ministry at the age of 17. I have been serving as the Kids Director at Abundant Harvest Ministries since 2012 but have been working in kids ministry since 2007. I love to see families come to know the Lord through the faith of a child. My mission is to Instill the passion for worship, the love for God’s Word, and the desire to reach out to a hurting world in need of a Saviour into each child that I’m given the opportunity to. If you would like to contact me, my email address is kids@myahm.org.