Admissions policy

Once enrollment packet has been completed and submitted, the CCCA Administration board will review and make a determination of enrollment. The board will not review prospective applicants until appropriate documents have been submitted.

required ENTRANCE documents

• Crescent City Christian Academy Application & Enrollment Packet Forms

• Pastor’s Letter of Recommendation and or Character References

• Acknowledgement and acceptance of CCCA Handbook and Statement of Faith
• Most current report card / transcript

• Achievement or FCAT / SAT Scores (if available) 

• Discipline record from most recent school attended

• Attendance Records from prior school attended

• Copy of Birth Certificate

• Current and updated Immunization Forms (on Blue Form) • Current and updated School Physical (on Yellow Form) 

• Typed essay of given topic for students in grades 9-12 or as requested by administration

• Other documents as requested by school administration

attendance policy

According to Florida Statutes Section 1003.21(1) (a), any child of school attendance age must maintain regular attendance during the entire school term of 170 days. A student is permitted up to 10 excused absences per year.

 An absence is considered excused in the following instances: 

 • Illness – short term (1-2 days) requires note from parent – long term (3 days or more) requires note from doctor

• Death in the family – note from parent

• Appointment with doctor or dentist – note should be brought back for file

• Pre-arranged absence – with a minimum of 3 day’s notice

Tardiness is a character trait that should be avoided; to discourage forming this habit, each tardy = [1] demerit.

student records

All students will accumulate a permanent file that will stay on file with CCCA. Records will remain on CCCA’s school premises at all times. If the school should ever cease to exist, all student permanent records will be transferred to Putnam County’s board of education office.


CCCA requires that all students be tested using the Measurement of Academic Progress. Students will be tested a minimum of one time per academic calendar year. These results will be sent to the Department of Education as required. Parents will receive test results with 4th quarter report card. This test is not a pass/fail test and cannot be studied for to achieve a higher result. The achievement test is simply to track how each student progresses while here at CCCA.

hours of operations

School office hours: 

• Monday 7:00am - 3:30pm

• Tuesday 7:00am - 3:30pm

• Wednesday 7:00am - 3:30pm

• Thursday 7:00am - 3:30pm

Student academic hours: 

• Monday 7:30am - 2:30pm

• Tuesday 7:30am - 2:30pm

• Wednesday 7:30am - 2:30pm

• Thursday 7:30am - 2:30pm

(See school calendar for select Fridays)

daily school schedule sample


• Student arrival 7:15am - 7:30am

• Opening Exercises/ Devotions 7:30am – 8:00am

• Academics 8:00am - 9:30am

 • Morning break 9:30am - 9:40am

• Academics 9:40am -11:00am

• Lunch Break 11:00am - 11:30am

• Academics 11:30am - 1:30am

• Elective & Privilege Time 1:30pm - 2:15pm

• Clean up office area / prepare for dismissal

2:15pm - 2:30pm

• School Dismissal 2:30pm Grades K3-12

holiday observances

• Labor Day

• Columbus Day

• Thanksgiving

• Christmas

• New Years

• Presidents Day

• Martin Luther King Day

• Good Friday & Easter

• Memorial Day

apperance & dress code

Crescent City Christian Academy maintains that there is a close relationship between positive academic achievement and the neatness and appropriateness of student dress, while maintaining equal social status. Students must strive for good grooming and personal hygiene. Their dress should reflect Christian Standards, both in class and in all school sponsored activities. 

The school uniform for all students will consist of… 

School Polo Shirt, along with Navy, Black, Gray or Khaki dress or uniform pants, closed toed shoes (any color or style if they are clean and sanitary). All students will be required to tuck polo shirts in, and belts must be worn. Students who are not in proper uniform will be sent home to change. Students will not be permitted to stay at school when out of uniform. Girls are permitted to wear skirts providing they are calf-length and leggings are worn underneath. If a dress code violation occurs pertaining to skirts and length 3 times, student will no longer be permitted to wear skirts. 


 May have facial hair providing it is kept trimmed, cleaned and neat and meets approval of staff. 

 Hair is not to hang over the collar, neither is it to be below the eyebrows nor extend beyond the bottom of the earlobe

 At no time will pony-tails be acceptable

 No extreme haircuts or colors. 

 Hair may be braided in straight lines close to the scalp (corn-rows) 

 No earrings are permitted. 

  No sleeveless shirts are permitted


 No extreme haircuts or colors. 

 Earrings must be tasteful and cannot be in excess. (Administration has the right to ask you to remove any jewelry that they deem inappropriate or excessive) 

  Clothing must be modest; shirts to collar bone

 Skirts are permitted only if they are calf length and leggings are worn underneath

  Hair, body and clothes must be clean

 No sleeveless shirts are permitted

Boys & Girls: 

 Wear close-toed and close-heeled shoes. [for student’s protection] [Athletic shoes permitted] 

 All clothing must be clean and in good condition: 

 No clothing too small, too tight, too baggy, ripped or torn. Pants must pass the quarter test, and shorts must be past knee while standing or sitting and touch the floor when kneeling. 


CCCA administration reserves the right to interpret or revise these guidelines. 

Non-Christian Apparel: 

CCCA promotes Christ in all areas of our school. Clothing that promotes any non-Christian icons is not to be worn to school.

Lunch policy

All students must bring a packed lunch to school each day, unless a note is sent to school stating that a parent/guardian will be bringing lunch that day. Students can bring a snack for morning break as well but are not required to do so. Lunch is an important part of the day. It helps your child to maintain enough energy and concentration to have a successful day of academics and physical activity.

Students who do not bring a lunch will be sent home the same day. 

Crescent City Christian Academy encourages parents/guardians to reach out for help if they are having difficulties with providing lunches. 

Parents/guardians will be notified in advance if an event occurs in which your student does not need to bring a lunch (i.e. all-inclusive field trips, pizza parties etc.).

Graduation requirements

A prescribed course of study will be determined through a conference between the staff, parents, and student.

It is the responsibility of the parents and student to research entrance requirements and credits required by the college your child is seeking to attend.

It is the responsibility of the student and his/her parents to find out where and when the College Board tests are given. All college bound juniors and seniors of CCCA are encouraged to take the American College Test (ACT) or the SAT Reasoning Test (SAT) in the early spring of their senior year.

A graduation fee of $300 is charged to all graduating seniors to cover expenses involved with the graduation ceremony. Additional expenses may be incurred, i.e.; cap and gown, class ring, senior pictures, invitations, etc.

High School transcripts will be issued upon request by a college or higher education institution. Transcripts must be mailed directly to the requesting school. An “unofficial” copy may be released to the student upon request.

CCCA offers four different High School Diplomas
• General High School Diploma
• Honors High School Diploma
• College Prep High School Diploma
• Vocational High School Diploma

bright futures scholarships

We want to help each student meet requirements necessary to receive funding. Check the web-site to for details

Donations for scholarships are a win for everyone! We give hope to our children’s future by the choices we make today. We are 501 [C] 3 and your donation is tax deductible.

withdrawal policy

Withdrawals from the academy must be made through the school office. Parents must complete a Withdrawal Form through the front office so that we may institute the appropriate withdrawal procedures. Official records are not given to parents or students but are only transferred by request from school to school. Records will be transferred within 5 days of the official school request.

closed campus policy

CCCA operates as a "closed campus" which means that only students, administration, faculty, and staff are permitted on campus during school hours. For our school’s security & the protection of the students, all visitors and/or CCCA parents must first report to the school office to sign in. Visitors not following this protocol will be asked to return to the office or exit the campus. Friends and/or siblings of CCCA students may not visit during school hours without prior consent from the administration.

change of personal information

Parents are responsible for notifying the school office immediately of any change of address or telephone numbers (home, work, and cell). It is imperative that we have this info to contact parents in case of emergency.

illness policy

Crescent City Christian Academy strives to maintain a healthy environment for students to learn in. If a student is ill, he/she should remain home. A student who is ill cannot concentrate on his/her school work, and it puts other students at risk by exposing them to the same illness. If a student has stayed home for three or more days due to illness, a doctor's note should be turned in to the office when the student returns to school for the absences to be excused. (See attendance policy) Students who become ill at school should tell their teacher and report to the office. If a student is running a fever, or is experiencing other signs of apparent illness, the front office will contact the parent for student pick-up. Parents are required to pick up their child within 1 hour of notification.

head lice

Head lice can become a problem if not dealt with immediately. Our school reserves the right to conduct periodic head checks. If a student is found to be infested (evidence of live or dead lice or nits), the parent will be notified, and the student will need to be picked up immediately. The student’s hair must be treated, and all lice and nits removed, live or dead, before a child will be permitted to return to school. Parents must accompany their child into school the day of their return and wait until CCCA employee checks the child’s hair before the child may return to school. 

CCCA also reserves the right to require proof of treatment in the form of a receipt at our discretion.

medications at school policy

If a student is to take any medication while at school, the following must be completed: 

1. The Medication Administration Form (available in the front office) must be signed by the parent stating the name of medicine, dosage, start and stop dates and a description of the medication to be dispensed. 

2. All prescription medicine must have the original prescription label including the name of the doctor, the name of the child, and dispensation directions. Over-the-counter medication cannot be administered by CCCA without a written consent from the student’s parent or legal guardian. This includes Tylenol, cough syrup, stomach medicine, etc… 

3. A new Medication Administration Form must be filled out for each new medicine. 

4. All Medications will be kept locked up in School office and will be administered by either school Administration or School Nurse at prescribed times. During school hours, students are not permitted to carry their personal prescription/s or over-the-counter medicines. 

5. Medication left in the school office at the end of the school year will be discarded if not picked up by the end of the last day of school.

Non-Christian Music and Videos

CCCA does not allow non-Christian music to be brought on campus. Other items that promote the use of witchcraft or have a questionable reference to evil influences are not suitable to be brought in and viewed by our students. Non-Christian music and videos will be taken away from students who carry any of the above items to school. The parents may pick it up from the school office, with the understanding that the student may not have any of these types of items at school again and a disciplinary action will be made (i.e.: detention).

Unacceptable behavior (k5-12th)

Unacceptable behavior differs in its severity, and thus, will receive different discipline action according to its severity. The following are examples of behavior that would receive disciplinary action. This is not an exhaustive list. (Examples not listed will be dealt with at the discretion of the Administration.)

Suspension & Probation

• No fighting on campus…………..One of more days of suspension

• Use of foul language or cursing will not be tolerated

• Acts of open rebellion, inciting others to rebel

• Multiple acts of cheating or conspiring to cheat ---- [Scoring Violations] 

• Extortion

• Pulling the fire alarm (false alarm) 

• Smoking or possession of tobacco or tobacco products

• Bringing firecrackers and/smoke bombs to school

Three or more days of Suspension and consideration for Expulsion


 • Pornographic or lewd materials on campus including access via the internet

• Threat of physical abuse to teacher, staff, student, or property

• Breaking in or vandalizing the campus or property on campus ……… [depending on severity, expulsion may occur as well as law enforcement being notified] 

• Possession of explosive or incendiary materials or devices…… Expulsion

• Bringing or using alcoholic beverages on or off campus……… Expulsion

• Acts of immorality on or off campus………………….. Expulsion

• Students arrested or referred to the juvenile justice system……. Expulsion

• Arson……………………… Expulsion and law enforcement will be notified

• Possession, sale or use of illicit drugs on or off campus ……... Expulsion and law enforcement will be notified

• Possession or use of a weapon of violence (guns, knives, razors, etc.) ...Expulsion and law enforcement will be notified

 • Calling in bomb threats to the school……… Expulsion and law enforcement will be notified

Bullying and harassment

Bullying and harassment is unacceptable behavior for students at CCCA and will be dealt with very seriously. Students are encouraged to tell their teachers if they are being bullied or harassed by others. 

Bullying means "systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more students and may involve: teasing, social exclusion, threat, intimidation, stalking, physical violence, theft, sexual, religious, or racial harassment, public humiliation, or destruction of property. 

Harassment means any threatening, insulting, or dehumanizing gesture, use of data or computer software, written, verbal, or physical conduct directed against a student or school employee that places the student or school employee in fear of harm to his or her person or damage to their property, that substantially interferes with the student's school performance, or has the effect of disrupting the orderly operation of the school.

Searches for Suspicion of Unauthorized or Illegal Articles or Materials

CCCA reserves the right to search a student's belongings if the school suspects that the student may possess any prohibited items such as, but not limited to: cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, narcotics or drugs of any kind, fireworks, guns, knives, razors, or anything that even resembles a weapon, anything which poses or may pose any danger of damage or injury to the students or facilities of the school. The search may be conducted without the student's or parent's permission, and registration of the child constitutes parental consent to such searches. 

The following may be searched: automobiles, backpacks, purses, pockets, lockers, desks, etc. If any unauthorized articles or materials are found, the parents will be notified and the student may be dismissed from the school without refund of fees paid and may be turned over to the appropriate law-enforcement personnel.

Personal Internet/Social Media Pages

Students who have web pages or Social Blog such as Face Book or any such public internet site will be held accountable for its content and may be asked to open and allow the Administration to view the page if a question has arisen concerning its contents. Material that is deemed inappropriate will be subject to disciplinary action, including removing the materials in question from their site. 

Electronic devices are not permitted to be on or in use during school hours, unless approved by the administration.